Archive for 'April,2011'

<!--:en-->Reinvent Education<!--:-->

Reinvent Education

I’m a bit worried about the way education is going. A good teacher is hard to find they say, and in some places good teachers are most likely found in private schools only. Common opinions I stumble [...]

<!--:en-->Mahmoud Abbas’ Idol Show<!--:--><!--:HE-->תוכנית הפספוסים של אבו מאזן<!--:-->

Mahmoud Abbas’ Idol Showתוכנית הפספוסים של אבו מאזן

Dear Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, better if you will take going from your eyes who missed and continues to miss, so to remind you that I will appoint a few misses here and sorry if I forgot [...]

A Rotten Apple Always Smells

A Rotten Apple Always Smells

Apple’s Tracking Feature is a “Bug” – As If. It’s been roughly a week and a half ago when two researchers uncovered Apple’s naughty tracking feature hidden within the iPhone and iPads that were update with [...]

The future of browsers’ address field

The future of browsers’ address field

Wake up, drink a cup of café, brush my teeth and navigate to or any one of my favorite news sites. That’s a morning routine I sometimes take for granted, and I’m sure some people [...]